Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Power can be defined from different outlooks and in different ways. In some countries being born into certain families of royalty and wealth gives you power. That’s power not given by choice. In this country individuals can be driven to power through determination and will. There is an equal opportunity to obtain it.
In my opinion power can be defined by wealth, knowledge, and ones voice.
Money can commonly determine a persons status in the world. It can bring in estate, big business, and a “successful” life in general. All of these things can be seen as power. The more money you have, the more access you have to the things of the world being big or small. The wealthy are the privileged and so they contain more power than those who don’t.
Somebody once said power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, even though I don't know who said that or if it's even close to the way that it was said, I know that it's true. The reason that it is true is that people are essentially just smart animals, we always are going to do what is best for us personally. We care about what is best for us because we are the ones that can feel what is happening to us, it only makes sense that we would want the best feeling and enjoyment possible for us.
Most people take the power they get to a further level. They start abusing it to the point where they lose everything they've ever strived for.
It is the power over ones life, which is the greatest power of all. Everybody has it, it’s just a matter of embracing it and using it correctly.

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