Thursday, June 20, 2013

no red pill blue pill response

I think that this poem by Ana Cristina Pratas made no sense to me. She said many different random things which shouldn't have gone together. There were parts of her poem that I understood and enjoyed but then I read the next line and it completely ruins it and throws me off. But all together I get what she's trying to talk about.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Power can be defined from different outlooks and in different ways. In some countries being born into certain families of royalty and wealth gives you power. That’s power not given by choice. In this country individuals can be driven to power through determination and will. There is an equal opportunity to obtain it.
In my opinion power can be defined by wealth, knowledge, and ones voice.
Money can commonly determine a persons status in the world. It can bring in estate, big business, and a “successful” life in general. All of these things can be seen as power. The more money you have, the more access you have to the things of the world being big or small. The wealthy are the privileged and so they contain more power than those who don’t.
Somebody once said power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, even though I don't know who said that or if it's even close to the way that it was said, I know that it's true. The reason that it is true is that people are essentially just smart animals, we always are going to do what is best for us personally. We care about what is best for us because we are the ones that can feel what is happening to us, it only makes sense that we would want the best feeling and enjoyment possible for us.
Most people take the power they get to a further level. They start abusing it to the point where they lose everything they've ever strived for.
It is the power over ones life, which is the greatest power of all. Everybody has it, it’s just a matter of embracing it and using it correctly.


Loyalty is a feeling or attitude of devoted attachment and affection. Loyalty is a noble quality that is found not only in human beings, but also in animals, such as dogs, horses or elephants. Loyalty involves obedience, sacrifice and compassion of the heart.
Loyalty is a very broad term which may be applicable in case of one's family, locality or the country. A loyal per­son is ready to sacrifice even his own life for the sake of his master, friend, relative or the country. A loyal person bears a moral character, honest outlook, and disciplined manners.

Loyalty is like a shadow it’s something that’s with you all of the time, but sometimes it’s hidden. Most people don’t show their loyalty hidden, but loyalty is something that’s not supposed to be hidden. To me loyalty is when someone is there for someone else. Loyalty is a characteristic many people should strive to have. It earns the trust and respect of many. A loyal person would never be able to fail someone because they are trustable. Loyalty is everywhere and there are many different kinds of loyalty.
Loyalty to strangers is one of the many different kinds of loyalty. We have all showed loyalty to strangers at least once. When people follow rules somewhere either at school, work etc. This shows loyalty. Loyalty doesn’t only earn the respect of someone, but being loyal to a stranger show that you respect them even if you don’t know them. When we follow rules at some place it shows we are staying honest to the rules and the rule makers. Our honesty shows loyalty.

Another type of loyalty is to friends. We all have friends, but there are many components to being loyal to your friends. When your friends tells you something and they expect you to keep it a secret, keeping this a secret shows loyalty. Not keeping the matter a secret will show disloyalty. Disloyalty will lose a friend’s trust and it will be really hard to regain a friend’s trust when it’s been lost. When a secret, which is supposed to be kept, gets out the friendship itself is in danger of breaking. Helping a friend is also another component to loyalty. Helping a friend when they don’t think they need it shows much more loyalty than when they ask you for help. Sensing that a friend needs a helping hand is a great ability to have.
As I said earlier, loyalty can be found in animals, your pets, for example a dog. Even though your dog doesn't have the ability to speak it shows its loyalty through actions. Your dog stays by your side through thick and thin. They see when you come home with a frown they go lay on your lap and keep you comfort. When you might be in any danger, could be minor or extreme, your dog protects you and stays loyal to you.
Being loyal builds trust, and those are one of the main characteristics one should have and need in any kind of relationship, being loyal will get you far in life.

Elections Essay #2 - Should Voting in Canada be Mandatory by Law?

Election Days are held to express the views and opinions of the entire country and over the past few years, they have failed to do so. Some consider voting a right that they have and they can choose not to exercise that privilege. Others may not vote due to their insecurities about all of the parties involved. A significant amount of citizens do not vote because they believe that their vote has no impact on the outcome of the election. It is our duty to as citizens of Canada to express our opinions and have a say in how our country operates. The number of non-voters that think they are insignificant to the total outcome of an election add up to around 40%, therefore creating a media circus after every Election Day doubting the legitimacy of the election. Voting should be mandatory in Canada to make all of its citizens influence the way that the country is run.
A major responsibility as a Canadian citizen is to let your voice be heard and your opinion accounted for during an election. We pledge our allegiance to Her Majesty, the Queen, and promise to fulfill our duties as Canadian citizens when taking the Oath of Citizenship. Non-voters consider it a freedom of choice when they choose not to participate in an election but they have to remember that they received the citizenship card to have a say in how the country operates.
Passing a bill through the government and making voting mandatory would be good for the citizens even if the government has to take the initiative. The number of Canadians that neglect elections requires the government to take action and make voting mandatory.

Media's Effects on Political Elections

Mao ZeDong once said that power comes out of the barrel of a gun. While that is still true, power also comes out of the manipulated images created to change ones thinking process and behaviour. Through the world of third person communication, technologies have generated various types of media.
Practically, in every attitude of the election campaign will engage the media. In fact, media is the ultimate platform where all political parties will be fighting on. Whether by budging through television and news reports or by purchasing time and space on mass media, parties must always use media to hype voters for support.
Media organizations have their own agenda. They tend to sell themselves to the audiences with their star reporters, journalists, and as much as they can cover over the course of election. Inevitably, news will be discriminately selected, stories will be twisted, and they will be promoted with personal views and reactions. Mass media, therefore, will have powerful influences on voters.
now that the election is over, I have to wonder: did any of the tweets, Facebook groups, or YouTube videos actually make a measurable difference?
Certainly, many of the candidates had active social media accounts, and the a lot of the Twitter hashtags were on fire during the election. But online activity is very difficult to link with the offline behavior of marking a ballot with a golf pencil. Ultimately, once you're behind that cardboard partition, voting is a private action. A secret ballot is, after all, secret.
In many ways, this stands in stark contrast to how things work on the web. Social media marketing and advertising is very measurable. Hyperlinks can easily be tracked to generate a myriad of stats and reports on our collective online behaviour.

It reminds us that 2008 was called the “social media election”, with 1.8 million tweets sent on election day… and that now, in 2012, there are 1.8 million tweets sent every six minutes.
Barack Obama’s appearance at the Democratic National Convention caused over 52,000 tweets to be sent, on average, every minute, resulting in about 4 million tweets total during his 39 minute speech.
And other representatives are jumping on social media too: 9 out of 10 Senators and Representatives have their own Twitter accounts.
The infographic also points out that 4 out of 10 people will use social media to help them make a decision come election day, so the candidates had better do all they can to present themselves in the best light, in 140-characters or less.
People slowly drift away from how things were the way they were, media is growing, the numbers on the social media accounts are growing each minute. In the end not everything on media is going to be good, you can never believe everything you see/hear with the media.

poetry that moves - when we two parted by Lord Byron

WHEN we two parted
          In silence and tears,
      Half broken-hearted
          To sever for years,
      Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
          Colder thy kiss;
      Truly that hour foretold
          Sorrow to this.
                                   The dew of the morning
          Sunk chill on my brow
          It felt like the warning
          Of what I feel now.
      Thy vows are all broken,
          And light is thy fame:
      I hear thy name spoken,
          And share in its shame.                                      They name thee before me,
          A knell to mine ear;
      A shudder comes o'er me
        Why wert thou so dear?
      They know not I knew thee,
          Who knew thee too well:
        Long, long shall I rue thee,
          Too deeply to tell.                                    In secret we met 
                 In silence I grieve,
      That thy heart could forget,
          Thy spirit deceive.
      If I should meet thee
          After long years,
      How should I greet thee?
         With silence and tears.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Summer 100WC

...the light was so bright...

One step, two steps... the cottony sand beneath my feet danced with the silky fabric of sea water as they floozies forward and back… ancient soft melody of the nine sisters dribbles my eardrums… notably peaceful and amiable. But is the great deep sea really as calming and companionable as it seems on this cloudless twinkly night? NO! Its mood changes as exceedingly as we breath in and breath out, and as extreme as a suppose ‘love’ turn on one another. Look at the tower of light, the light was so bright it guides the ships to safety. But one push of the button, it will be the cause of the ships’ annihilation…of my extinction.