Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Summer 100WC

...the light was so bright...

One step, two steps... the cottony sand beneath my feet danced with the silky fabric of sea water as they floozies forward and back… ancient soft melody of the nine sisters dribbles my eardrums… notably peaceful and amiable. But is the great deep sea really as calming and companionable as it seems on this cloudless twinkly night? NO! Its mood changes as exceedingly as we breath in and breath out, and as extreme as a suppose ‘love’ turn on one another. Look at the tower of light, the light was so bright it guides the ships to safety. But one push of the button, it will be the cause of the ships’ annihilation…of my extinction.

1 comment:

  1. Did you sign up for the 100 word challenge Rose? Great way to build your creative writing skills in short bursts!
