Saturday, March 9, 2013

Speech - Revised!

 What’s delicious, rich, and creamy, derived from cacao beans, and is utter perfection? The answer is simple, it’s chocolate. We all know what it is, we've all tasted its sweet and creamy flavour before, but here’s a twist. Did you know that chocolate is in fact considered a super food?! 
   Good morning Ms. Lees and fellow classmates. Yes, you heard right, I did indeed say that chocolate is a super food, no it does not give you superpowers but it does have amazing health benefits that aid you in staying in tip top shape.
   Is it possible? This sweet, sugary treat full of calories is in fact good for you?! Yes, recent scientific studies have proven it to be packed full of good stuff..The secret behind chocolate being a super food is the one and only cacao bean. That minuscule bean is a disease-killer, the only problem is on its own it tastes bitter, chalky and just plain nasty.
  Now enter milk, butter and a ton of sugar and it’s suddenly more pleasurable to taste, but the extra ingredients dilute the power of the cacao bean. The less ingredients you add to the chocolate the more powerful and beneficial the bean is,which is why dark chocolate is a popular choice because of its high content of the bean compared to its lighter colored sibling.
    Study after studies prove that dark chocolate – rich, sweet, and delicious is in fact good for more than just curing a broken heart. A long term study in Germany this year found out that eating about a square of dark chocolate a day lowered blood pressure, and reduced the risk of a heart attack or stroke by 39 percent! Most of the credit goes to something called flavonoids. Flavonoids are an antioxidant compound that increases the flexibility of veins and arteries.
  As if improving cardiovascular health wasn't enough, dark chocolate can also aid in weight loss. Ironic isn't it? Something that you think would help you gain pounds actually makes you lose them. Researchers from Copenhagen discovered that dark chocolate is far more filling that any other type of chocolate. It lessens your cravings for sweet, salty, fatty foods helping to avoid unnecessary snacking. So ladies, don’t be scared to indulge in a little bit of dark chocolate even if you are trying to get ready for bikini season! 
 Ever been hassled by your parents to stop eating sweets for the sake of the dentist? here's a valid argument to defend against your sweet tooth. Dark chocolate contains theobromine, which has been shown to harden tooth enamel. That means that dark chocolate, unlike most other sweets, lowers your risk of getting cavities if you practice proper dental hygiene.
Chocolate isn't only good for physical health, it also aids in mental health. 
For all you people out there that want to boost your intelligence, have I got good news for you. A University of Nottingham researcher found that drinking cocoa rich in flavanols boosts blood flow to key parts of the brain for 2 to 3 hours, which could improve performance and alertness in the short term. Other researchers from Oxford University and Norway looked at chocolate's long-term effects on the brain by studying the diets of more than 2,000 people. They found that those who consumed chocolate scored significantly higher on cognitive tests.
  Besides boosting your intelligence, it also contains many chemicals that can affect our moods.These natural chemicals raise serotonin and endorphins levels. Which are the natural hormones that make us feel good or have a calming effect on the brain, because of this chocolate is used as a natural defense against depression. When stressed it is proven that many people dig in to their chocolate stash more than they usually would, and this is because chocolate contains anandamide, also known as the “bliss chemical” It works towards binding some specific receptors inside the brain to promote relaxation. Next time you’re stressed or had a bad day, grab a bit of chocolate, trust me it’ll do wonders.
    With its ability to help you physically and mentally combined with its sweet taste, it’s no surprise that it’s one of the world’s most enjoyable foods. As Charles M Shulz once said “They say all you need is love, but a little chocolate now and then wouldn't hurt. “

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Envy Essay Final

Anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness, disgust, disappointment, shame… Have you ever felt any one of those emotions running through you like a stream of hot lava? Think about it, if you had, then you have committed one of the seven deadly sins: Envy. Envy has been, is, and always shall be, the destruction of many. But will it be the destruction or the downfall of you? Will you be able to stop yourself from committing any more sins?
First we need to understand envy? Now I have to clearly state to you in case you think of the “jealousy.” "Envy" and "jealousy" are often used interchangeably in common usage, but strictly speaking, the words stand for two distinct emotions. Jealousy is the result or fear of losing someone or something that one is attached to or possesses to another person. For example in the last book of the Harry Potter series, Ron was jealous of Harry’s fame and powers because it might be the reason Hermione leaving him for his best friend Harry. Envy on the other hand is the resentment caused by another person having something that one does not have, but desires for oneself. For example, in Romeo's speech in Act II, Sc. 2 of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo says, "See how she leans her cheek against her hand, o the I were a glove upon that hand that I might touch that cheek." Here, Romeo is envious of the glove that Juliet was wearing because that glove got to touch her cheeks while Romeo cannot.
It is agreed that envy involves an envier: the subject; and a party who is envied: the rival. Like an employer and an employee relationship. The rival may be a person, a group of people, some possession, capacity or trait that the subject supposes the rival to have: the good. The good might be something that only one party could possibly possess (the crown jewels, or being the world's best go player), or it might be something easily duplicated. It is sometimes held that the good may even be utility, happiness, or some psychological state that Subject, the envier, could attribute to Rival, the one who is being envied by, even if there were no material difference in their possessions or capacities.  Most people in the world, including you, you and everyone else, have been in both of those two positions at least once in their life. I can sure tell you that I have been in both of these positions. But trust me; it isn’t fun at either ends of the stick.
So why isn’t it fun to envy others? If you are the envier, desiring to possess something another person, object, or animal have, you are being controlled by your own desires; and when you are being controlled by your desires for whatever you may want, you will be blinded from the reality, and the sense of moral and good. For when the envy is strong, you will want to fulfill it so you feel satisfaction for possessing something you wanted. Being envious indicates that the you are not satisfied with what life has given to you, and not satisfied that life gave you a chance to live. Focusing on provoking and envying others may only lose the valuable that you already have. Why? Because you fed the envious part of you so much that you couldn’t care for the precious things you already have.
You not be the person that I have just made an example of, but it is very easy to stray into becoming envious and ungrateful. Now you may want to know how to not be envious and live a happy and filling life. That is simple. Just be thankful. You may have heard Albus Dumbledore saying to the mirror of Erised, other known as the mirror of desires: the happiest man alive would look in the mirror and see himself exactly as he is.” Remember that each and every one of us is very lucky, and each and every one of us has something special and unique that no one else. Look at those children in Africa. They do not have the luxury of clean water that we have easy access to. Look at the pollution in other countries; they do not have the luxury to breath in the fresh pinecone scented air that we bathe every single second. Look at those orphans in the systems; they do not have the luxury to cuddle with their parents as we can because they do not have the option while we do.
It can be said that not envy someone or something else is impossible for we are all humans. But you should know that it is because we are humans, we strive for perfection and better. So I ask you today, to find out what or who, and why you are feeling envious, after, remember to thank and be grateful. That is the solution of not committing one of the seven deadly sins: Envy.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What If students were to design their own school? My thoughts and Reflections.

Stereotypically when you think of a student designing their own school you think of breaks every 5 minutes that last 5 times the amount you are usually given, long slides instead of stairs and maybe even a roller coaster or two. If those are your thoughts on a student’s credibility for designing their own education program then you might want to find information to back up this hypothesis.

In 2011 eight students from Monument Mountain Regional High School joined together to form their own education system. This new “school” was run by the students and a few select teachers who acted as guides. The pilot took place over the span of one semester and redefined what we thought was the “smart” way to learn.

Having students run the way they learn and work independently from adults can be a very daunting idea for both the authority figure and the participant. Skepticism was the obvious reaction and would still most likely be among most people. But for some this proved an opportunity to learn the way the way they wanted to. By giving the student’s free reign (some restrictions and guidelines were followed) they learnt how to expand their creativity and truly work as a team.

To me the idea of a school run by the students is an empowering and exciting idea. Being able to design my own system of learning and design my studies around what I do best would in some aspects motivate me to work harder. I would enjoy what I am doing but at the same time complete the work needed for me to pass or graduate. If such a program were to open at our school I do not doubt that there would be many others like me who would sign up. This would prove the perfect learning opportunity, whether you have trouble learning in the classroom or even if you just want to push yourself.

A school designed by the students for the students is something that I think is starting to make it is way across North America. It is part of the “education reformation” and should be contemplated by all schools and educators. Who knows, this could possibly be the biggest learning breakthrough for years to come.

Students designing their own school?

Click the link below....

Students designing their own school? Yes, as crazy as it may seems a public school in Massachusetts have started this program called 'The Independent Project.' The opening statement of this video was, “it’s crazy that in a system that is meant to teach and help the youth there is no voice from the youth at all," says Charles Tsai. The Monument Mountain Regional High School has started this program with eight students in different grades, and the students create their own learning environment on their own; while teachers and coaches were mentors to the students during their own learning experience. 
In my opinion after watching this video (on the link above) I really don't think this is a type of program i would like to do because first of all when i hear the word "school" i learn whatever i need to accomplish to get a high school diploma and start university. I personally don't think i could teach myself anything because i can barely teach myself to factor polynomials in math or know the nitrogen cycle in science! Not only this, but sometimes theirs days when you don't feel like doing anything but you manage to get some work done, and in this program teaching yourself doesn't seem like a very good idea. I think the people that are willing to do this program have to be independent and committed to do this type of program. Maybe if the program could be changed a little differently by letting teachers teach us, but we could get to choose our own courses that we need for university or college could be better than trying to teach ourselves. 
All in all i think everyone learns differently and at a different pace so i think that their should be a choice to do this program or continue on with regular school. Some of us may not be as capable than others to teach ourselves something new everyday. Even though this program may sound like a good idea it should be a personal decision we should make ourselves as students.  

Sunday, March 3, 2013

What if students designed their own school?

At the start of the video, the statement “it’s crazy that in a system that is meant to teach and help the youth there is no voice from the youth at all” was the opening line.
In my opinion, this is not at all true. Schools allow the students to choose their own elective courses, so this is kind of giving the students a chance to voice and plan their own school life. It is also the student's choice if they want to take a spare to learn other courses or knowledge. It is their choice to start a study club for random knowledge. Students can also discuss with the principle if they can get extra credits if the student is proven to have learned something valuable in future references. Students shouldn't blame the school system of not using the voice while it is the students who didn't give a voice. There is a reason why mandatory classes are mandatory. It is because educational experts concluded that those mandatory classes are essential to a student if he or she wants to succeed in the future.
But if the Independent Project is open to students, I think that there must be rules. The opening statement was right, " meant to teach and help the youth..." If the Independent Project is to be taken by a student, then the student must show progress and results of learning. Because what is the point of doing something in school that has nothing to do with education and learning. Right? Also students must have a teacher's recommendation before going off with a program that doesn't have a teacher watching over and keeping everyone on task. In my opinion, the student must have good self control and self regulation to stay on the path of learning instead of socializing and gaming. The student must have stellar marks on their main courses such as sciences, math, and English. This is exactly like building a house. One must build the frame and base strong and stable, and then work on the extra carvings and paintings. For without the base and the frame, the  walls would collapse.

Other than that, I think the Independent Project is a really good idea because I have always wanted to learn random information without feeling as if I am wasting my time. Here, the Independent Project gives credits, and gives a student to explore the world deeper. It's a win-win situation. Also the students can also use the technologies available to us today to do research with higher efficiency.  

If students designed their own school . . . response

What if students were to design their own school? Would it help students learn more? or would the school fall apart because of the lack of authority? A video was made by Charles Tsai who spread the word about a pilot program in Monument Mountain Regional High School, this program was named The Independent Program.  In the Independent Program students created their own learning environment and decided on what they wanted to learn, teachers within this program acted as mentors instead of instructors. 
   This video was eye-opening and a totally different take on education. The main point of this video was to showcase to everyone that maybe change is good, maybe if we let the students choose what they want to study they would enjoy going to school more.  “It’s crazy that in a system that is meant to teach and help the youth there is no voice from the youth at all.” This quote was placed in the beginning of the video and it made me see things in a different light. Think about all the days we, the children go to school, we have no say in what we learn for it is determined by the government, we aren't allowed to take certain classes because they were deemed unnecessary or useless by adults. A building meant for educating children, created for children yet the children have no say. How ironic is that? 
    As a teenager myself, I usually don't enjoy going to school. I complain, nag, whine, and pretend to be sick just to get myself out of school sometimes. I bet that almost every teenager out there doesn't enjoy going to school for the learning part, if we could we would just sit in the cafeteria and socialize all day. You see, the main reason so many of us don't enjoy school is basically because we are forced to sit down in chair for an hour learning about something we don't enjoy in a boring manner. The truth is when kids are having fun, information sticks. Yet fun is precisely what's missing from many of today's classrooms. In the Independent Program it allows the students to choose and design their own projects and have fun while doing it. When you let us study our passion, you would be surprised at how eager and excited we are to learn.
      In my opinion, the Independent Program sounds like a great idea but there are a few things I would change about it. Everyone learns differently, some kids (like me) do well when being instructed by a teacher and taking notes, while other students prefer to learn in the environment of something like the Independent Program. If a school were to host this program, I think it would be best to conduct interviews and choose only a selected group. This way we can determine if they are capable of this sort of new learning style because it involves a lot of self-motivation and determination. Personally I do a lot better when I have somebody pushing me to success. I do believe it is time for a change in the education system, it is time for the youth to have some say in it because ultimately we are the ones who benefit from school, and if changing the traditional ways allow us to reach our full potential then I am all for it. The Independent Program could be the start of something amazing, but for me I enjoy the old school way of learning, but would it kill the adults to create a way of letting us have fun while learning?