Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Speech- First Draft- Love

“Love is a many splendid thing”- Paul Francis   

Splendid, nerve racking, exciting and overwhelming are terms that I associate with love. William Shakespeare, Edith Piaf and many other artists, philosophers, and authors have published their theories and stories on what they think love is made up of and how it controls our lives. Like them today I am going to summarize the history, and influences of this emotion. Ladies and gentlemen today I am here to talk to you about the universal language of love.

Every morning when I go down for breakfast I sit down and my father places a cup of tea in front of me. He then passes me the travel section of the Vancouver Sun. Since moving to British Columbia this has been our everyday routine. This may seem a very mundane action to all of you but to me it holds significants. You see, the tea that my father places before me is Green tea with lemon juice, and he passes me the travel section because he knows studying the world is a passion of mine. He does these actions out of affection and love for me. This simple morning routine is an example of how love influences our lives. This is only the beginning. The funny pictures your friends draw you, your favorite video game you’re sibling lets you “touch”, and even the smell of your dog’s breath licking your face are all actions that have been brought into action out of love.

As with our history, and technology love has grown and evolved with the human race. This intense emotion has caused the speculation of many theories that shape today’s society, media, and sometimes even science. Since love has evolved with humans and has remained a constant unchanging emotion psychologists and other specialists have undergone many experiments to determine why we feel the way we do and how it can affect our health. One of the commonly passed around theories is that love can be used as a tool for survival. As children we are dependent upon the affection of our parents and the way they treat us affects our future relationships and psychological state.

In our brain a hormone called oxytocin is realised and is what forms the emotion love. Different levels of the hormone are released to classify and form different loving connections. From this; friends, family ties, and personal relationships are formed.

These different types of relationships categorize our interaction among others. An example of this would be the relationship that you hold with a sibling. How you react around them is going to be much different than when you are with someone who you have a personal relationship with. These differences are what distinguish different loving bonds from each other.

When I hear the word love what pops into your mind? For me I see the fairy tale picture. A prince and a princesses riding off into the sunset. Everyone has a different take on this word since it holds so much meaning in our lives. But what we imagine love to be is largely influenced by media. Concepts like soul mates and true love have existed for centuries, but new twists are being brought to these myths and beliefs. A large reason for this is that since love is such a popular and relatable topic it is easy to sell as a form of entertainment. These new interpretations on love may cause some confusion.

From the day we are born we are all programed to one day love. What we need to remember is the difference between lust, passion, and love. Love can be read about in books, seen on the streets, and on TV. It can be studied and explained in scientifique forms. But when we feel this raw emotion we need to remember that it’s more than what we know. It is the driving force behind how we live. So my question for you is ,“how do you interpret love?”


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey eva! :)
    I love your speech, i love how unique your topic is!
    I like how you included a question at the end of your
    speech to make the audience think eve after you're done your speech!
    Very clever! You gave good examples of the uses of love. I think you should
    expand a bit more on this sentence. "As children we are dependent upon the affection of our parents and the way they treat us affects our future relationships and psychological state." you should explain more on HOW it'll affect our relationships and psychological state, but otherwise i found
    your speech entertaining and very interesting! I can't wait to hear it ! :)

  3. hii, awed Eva I loved your speech, especially the beginning when you mentioned your connection with your dad, and the little things he does for you to show his love & affection for you, it's cute & you also talked about the topic very gently, didn't confuse the listeners and it was all well said, goodjob ! :)
