Thursday, April 11, 2013

Julius Ceaser essay topic #1

Temptation, it grabs you instantly, but the decision is yours. The Angle or the Devil. Of course temptation always leads you to the bad things, and most of the time you might end up hurting people along the way. Other times, it could be for the right reasons that you are being tempted, but no one may seem to agree with you. So, 'it's sometimes necessary to do things you know are wrong in order to achieve an important goal.'

You fall into temptation could end you up having no one ever trusting you ever again, but is it really you to blame? You’re trying to reach your goal to be proud of whom you are, but would that mean you’re selfish? People will bring you down and mistakes will be made along the way, but not what you intentionally wanted. You feel like your chasing your goal for all the right reasons even though you may have little support. It doesn't mean you’re selfish or you’re the blame, you have the same reasons as anyone else that would want to achieve an important goal. Yes, sometimes it is necessary to do the wrong things in order to achieve an important goal because it could be the best or worst decision you ever made, but you won't wonder what happened if you ever tried to go after your goal or dream. Even if you make mistakes you need to learn from them because no one is perfect and mistakes shape our personalities and strengthen our wisdom. Most people learn differently from their mistakes, including myself. I've been in trouble for the same thing countless times, but it has taught me something; that no matter how hurt you get you will always get back up on your feet and try again.

In the beginning, I used the word 'temptation,' it’s true; temptation can bring the best or worse out of you, but what influences your decision to do so? You usually follow temptation because your trying to fight for something you care about, such as love for someone or something, but that's a whole other story. 
For example, being around the wrong influences could lead you past your goal to something worse and unexpected. Also, when disobeying your parents decision just because they disagreed with you. Now, even though these may influence your decision to achieve your important goal you have to think about the people you may hurt along the way, or if your goal is worth fighting for.

I fell into the same situation before, and I fought for my goal and I'm still fighting for it; I don't regret anything even after falling into trouble with my parents & friends, and I ended up getting hurt badly after many times of getting into trouble. I was proud of myself for trying, and one day I will prove to everyone that doubted me that all the trouble I went through was worth it. Even though you can be sneaky about your goal, sometimes, it doesn't always work out. 
I want the person that's reading this essay to remember this,

'Go with what your mind says, not your heart
Because you think beyond possibilities with your mind,
But your heart gives you feelings that you think you want,
But you’re unsure.'

The point of that quote was to say that your heart is only feelings, but your mind is what thinks is best for you because it doesn’t depend on feelings it depends on knowledge.
Even if you do go after your goal, it's always good to have someone to be able to support you through the rough times you might face so you don't easily give up. 
Sometimes you have to think of the consequences that you’re probably going to put yourself through, and the people may never trust you or give you the same respect again. These are all things to consider when you’re fighting for an important goal.

I never got to think about the consequences and the people I may hurt along the way because my goal was harmless, but it’s just the different ways people make it such a bad thing. Every now and then I wish I could see myself if I was more cautious; maybe it would have been less depressing, painful, and heartbreaking than what I experienced earlier on, but I’m glad I continued to achieve my goal because the past is the past and you can never change it, only learn from it. It shaped the person I am today and the person I will be tomorrow. 

Therefore, never give up on your goal or dreams, and don't let anyone tell you what to do with your life (well except for your parents...) because you can't always follow other people’s opinions forever; it could cause you to feel regretful and weaken yourself. If you walk your own way you can discover many things that you would have never discover if you never tried; you will also learn from your mistakes, even after many trails, it will help you in the present and future. 

My decision will help me now and later on, and even though I did hurt people to reach my goal, including myself, sometimes it’s necessary to do things you know are wrong to achieve an important goal; even if it's for love. 

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