What’s delicious, rich, and creamy, derived from cacao beans, and is utter perfection? The answer is simple, it’s chocolate. We all know what it is, we've all tasted its sweet and creamy flavour before, but here’s a twist. Did you know that chocolate is in fact considered a super food?!
Good morning Ms. Lees and fellow classmates. Yes, you heard right, I did indeed say that chocolate is a super food, no it does not give you superpowers but it does have amazing health benefits that aid you in staying in tip top shape.
Good morning Ms. Lees and fellow classmates. Yes, you heard right, I did indeed say that chocolate is a super food, no it does not give you superpowers but it does have amazing health benefits that aid you in staying in tip top shape.
Is it possible? This sweet, sugary treat full of calories is in fact good for you?! Yes, recent scientific studies have proven it to be packed full of good stuff..The secret behind chocolate being a super food is the one and only cacao bean. That minuscule bean is a disease-killer, the only problem is on its own it tastes bitter, chalky and just plain nasty.
Now enter milk, butter and a ton of sugar and it’s suddenly more pleasurable to taste, but the extra ingredients dilute the power of the cacao bean. The less ingredients you add to the chocolate the more powerful and beneficial the bean is,which is why dark chocolate is a popular choice because of its high content of the bean compared to its lighter colored sibling.
Study after studies prove that dark chocolate – rich, sweet, and delicious is in fact good for more than just curing a broken heart. A long term study in Germany this year found out that eating about a square of dark chocolate a day lowered blood pressure, and reduced the risk of a heart attack or stroke by 39 percent! Most of the credit goes to something called flavonoids. Flavonoids are an antioxidant compound that increases the flexibility of veins and arteries.
Study after studies prove that dark chocolate – rich, sweet, and delicious is in fact good for more than just curing a broken heart. A long term study in Germany this year found out that eating about a square of dark chocolate a day lowered blood pressure, and reduced the risk of a heart attack or stroke by 39 percent! Most of the credit goes to something called flavonoids. Flavonoids are an antioxidant compound that increases the flexibility of veins and arteries.
As if improving cardiovascular health wasn't enough, dark chocolate can also aid in weight loss. Ironic isn't it? Something that you think would help you gain pounds actually makes you lose them. Researchers from Copenhagen discovered that dark chocolate is far more filling that any other type of chocolate. It lessens your cravings for sweet, salty, fatty foods helping to avoid unnecessary snacking. So ladies, don’t be scared to indulge in a little bit of dark chocolate even if you are trying to get ready for bikini season!
Ever been hassled by your parents to stop eating sweets for the sake of the dentist? here's a valid argument to defend against your sweet tooth. Dark chocolate contains theobromine, which has been shown to harden tooth enamel. That means that dark chocolate, unlike most other sweets, lowers your risk of getting cavities if you practice proper dental hygiene.
Chocolate isn't only good for physical health, it also aids in mental health.
Ever been hassled by your parents to stop eating sweets for the sake of the dentist? here's a valid argument to defend against your sweet tooth. Dark chocolate contains theobromine, which has been shown to harden tooth enamel. That means that dark chocolate, unlike most other sweets, lowers your risk of getting cavities if you practice proper dental hygiene.
Chocolate isn't only good for physical health, it also aids in mental health.
For all you people out there that want to boost your intelligence, have I got good news for you. A University of Nottingham researcher found that drinking cocoa rich in flavanols boosts blood flow to key parts of the brain for 2 to 3 hours, which could improve performance and alertness in the short term. Other researchers from Oxford University and Norway looked at chocolate's long-term effects on the brain by studying the diets of more than 2,000 people. They found that those who consumed chocolate scored significantly higher on cognitive tests.
Besides boosting your intelligence, it also contains many chemicals that can affect our moods.These natural chemicals raise serotonin and endorphins levels. Which are the natural hormones that make us feel good or have a calming effect on the brain, because of this chocolate is used as a natural defense against depression. When stressed it is proven that many people dig in to their chocolate stash more than they usually would, and this is because chocolate contains anandamide, also known as the “bliss chemical” It works towards binding some specific receptors inside the brain to promote relaxation. Next time you’re stressed or had a bad day, grab a bit of chocolate, trust me it’ll do wonders.
Besides boosting your intelligence, it also contains many chemicals that can affect our moods.These natural chemicals raise serotonin and endorphins levels. Which are the natural hormones that make us feel good or have a calming effect on the brain, because of this chocolate is used as a natural defense against depression. When stressed it is proven that many people dig in to their chocolate stash more than they usually would, and this is because chocolate contains anandamide, also known as the “bliss chemical” It works towards binding some specific receptors inside the brain to promote relaxation. Next time you’re stressed or had a bad day, grab a bit of chocolate, trust me it’ll do wonders.
With its ability to help you physically and mentally combined with its sweet taste, it’s no surprise that it’s one of the world’s most enjoyable foods. As Charles M Shulz once said “They say all you need is love, but a little chocolate now and then wouldn't hurt. “